Butwal - 12 , Dhabaha, Milanpath
Here are some small business ideas for Nepal:
  • Travel agency
    A low-investment business that can package tours and provide amenities and services to tourists
  • Digital Marketing
    Promote businesses online through social media, search engines, email, and websites
  • Online tutoring
    Set up an account on social media or tutoring websites, work with tutoring companies, or provide subject-specific or group tutoring
  • Organic farming
    A lucrative business opportunity that can also contribute to environmental sustainability and public health
  • Barber’s shop
    A small-scale business that requires low startup capital, such as clippers, a small shop, and a small generator
  • Blogging
    A good idea for beginners who are passionate about what they are doing and have good knowledge of using the internet and writing
  • Consultancy
    Use any special skills you have to consult on almost anything and make a reasonable income 

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